This is my attempt at airbrushing Neytiri from Avatar. It's a piece I started ages ago as a way to better my skills in how to use the airbrush. I've finally declared it as finished, or as Leonardo da Vinci once put it...
"Art is never finished, only abandoned".
Painted in acrylic on canvas (100cm x 80cm) mostly using the airbrush with some of the more detailed areas, such as the hair, completed by hand using a traditional brush.
I worked on the piece for close to a year, very much off and on, with long periods without any progress. As with most projects I end them feeling like I could likely do better if started over again, but it was a great learning experience and overall I'm happy with how it came out.
Behind the Scenes

Unfortunately I didn't do a time-lapse of the whole period from start to finish, but hopefully these will give some insight in to the steps that went in to the piece.